Casting Votes for Yourself

I do love the New Year's holiday.

Simultaneously, I understand the criticism of New Year's resolutions. They rarely (<10%) stick.

Rather than resolutions, today I ask you to consider a different approach to goals. What is a first step we can take to cultivate habits that stick - get us to achieve our goal, to be successful?

In Atomic Habits, James Clear wrote:

"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."

The author explains with this the concept of identity-based habits, movings us from the notion of the type of person who wants something, to the type of person who is something.

The question we must answer first, then, is - what type of person do I wish to become?

It's a subtle shift; consider...

"I want to lose weight" becomes, "I want to be the type of person that exercises daily."

"I want to be less stressed" becomes, "I want to be the type of person that prioritizes daily walks and meditation."

"I want to get a promotion" becomes, "I want to be the type of person that contributes to my colleagues' and the business's success through my actions every single work day."

The new year undoubtedly has challenges ahead. Who do you wish to become this year? And how will you cast votes with your actions to show yourself that you are becoming that person?


The Human / Technology Overlap


Gifts of a New Year